旅游业的弊大于利(雅思9分大作文 / 旅游业对当地的利弊影响(超详细分析)) -pg电子app下载

更新时间:2023-07-31 17:09:35

tourism has increased so much over the last 50 years that it is having a mainly negative impact on local inhabitants and the environment. however, others claim that it is good for the economy.

discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tourism and give your own opinion.



第一段: 交代advantage disadvantage

第二段:好处(经济,收入) 坏处(物价和扰乱市场)

第三段:好处(促进文化交流) 坏处(文化损坏)



debatable issue:有争议的问题 overcrowding:过度拥挤

environmental and social costs:环境和社会成本 low-cost flights:低价飞机票

influx: 流入 local inhabitants:当地居民 environmental problems:环境问题

第一段:whether or not tourist destinations benefit from international tourism is a debatable issue. to some governments, the local economic benefits are worth the overcrowding and hiked prices of the tourist season ( 总结题干中旅游的好处). however, there are environmental and social costs and other risks of relying on tourism as a major source of annual income (总结题干中旅游的坏处)

第二段:sleepy coastal communities can be changed beyond recognition by mass-market tourism (论点, 交代旅游的好处) . package holiday companies operate huge numbers of low-cost flights to high-rise hotels in developing countries every summer. this means, of course, that easy money can be had servicing this seasonal influx and the government sees increased tax revenue and local employment (论据展开,从具体的点论清楚,商家和当地居民都受益). however, when the tourist season comes to an end, employment ceases and the area becomes a ghost town (论点,指出缺点, 旅游褪去成鬼城). the social cohesion of a small community can also be blighted by the seasonal migration of people to the cities to look for work out of season, leaving only the elderly behind. this is perhaps made worse by second home owners, who drive up house prices beyond the means of local inhabitants (论据展开,从人口褪去讲清楚影响,此外从投资的角度来看,其导致当地物价房价上升,影响市场) .

第三段:on the other hand, the local community do gain language skills and other fringe benefits of cultural exchange (论点,从文化层面讲advantage ). over time this can change as the economy improves and tourism becomes more of an established industry. local government investment in infrastructure should ensure repeat trade and further benefits for the economy ( 论据展开,从产业和重复旅游把好处展开说). however, such a large volume of travellers every year can cause environmental problems to fragile habitats and historical sites (论点,从环境层面说disadvantage). age-old stone remains can be worn away and traditional buildings demolished in favour of bland international hotels. local infrastructure can also fail to cope with large numbers of visitors, leading to pollution and litter ( 论据展开,很多名胜古迹可能因为旅游而被毁掉).

第四段:overall, tourism can be a good source of income for countries blessed with natural beauty or sites of historical interest(总结好处). however, governments must ensure that the wishes of local businesses are not put before the needs of the local community and that any revenue generated by tourism is reinvested in the area to protect the local environment (但政府应该采取相应的政策保护).

